This is Data Mattsson

Data Mattsson

If in doubt, tell the truth.

Recent Updates

May 14

The betas have started trickling out for the next release of the HPE CSI Driver for #Kubernetes! There's a lot of exciting updates, fixes and features going into v2.5.0. Make sure you stay tuned and feel free to give it whirl.

May 7

Are you looking to build a resilient Kubernetes infrastructure? Look no further. HPE and Canonical have teamed up to mix world class hardware and software to build the ultimate platform to deploy and manage modern applications.

May 6

A fun side/weekend project I have is to maintain the TrueNAS CSP. Many folks don't know that the API specification for the backend integrations with the HPE CSI Driver for #Kubernetes is an open specification. The TrueNAS CSP is a testament to that fact.

May 2

Some think the folks at HPE aren't very hip. Explain this then? 🤷‍♂️

Apr 26

you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me